New Creature Indeed (2).

Golden Text: Genesis 33: 1 – 4.

And Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and, behold, Esau came, and with him four hundred men. And he divided the children unto Leah, and unto Rachel, and unto the two handmaids.And he put the handmaids and their children foremost, and Leah and her children after, and Rachel and Joseph hindermost.And he passed over before them, and bowed himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother.And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept.

Yesterday, we started looking at the subject of the new creature. The lack of understanding of the fact that the new man in Christ has no history, is the foremost reason for many of God’s people struggle.

Yesterday, we saw from the first analogy from the crossing of the red sea by the Isrealites. They died in the sea and rose up as new creature.

The second analogy we want to use today is the one in our opening text. Before this time in our opening text, Esau has vowed to kill Jacob, because Jacob got his birthright. Jacob ran away and now he is returning back.

Jacob knew that there was danger ahead yet he cannot return to Laban’s house. Just like the Israelites saw the Red Sea in front, and Pharaoh was behind. More importantly, Jacob was troubled by his bad past record with Esau.

Anyway, while Esau was coming with four hundred men, ready to fight, Jacob decided to pray. Eventually, God changed his name from Jacob to Israel. That is he became a new creature.

Interestingly, it was while he slept (lied down), which is very synonymous with baptism.

Jacob lied down as Jacob rose up as Isreal. By the time he rose up, Jacob no longer existed.

Consequently, when Esau saw him, instead of fighting him, he embraced him. Because, the person who had the record of wrong is dead. Esau cannot fight Isreal. Esau can only fight Jacob.

That’s why you will not find any record of Esau fighting Isreal till they died. Isreal is an allegory of the new creature.

Similarly, when you become born again, you become a new creature. The old man dies. A new man begins. This new man cannot be accused of the errors of the old man. This is the reality of the new creature. Hallelujah!

But when Isreal saw Esau, he was still seeing himself as Jacob. He was still in fear of Esau. That was why he divided his family. But Esau was seeing Isreal.

Similarly, many of God’s people are still seeing themselves as the old creature. Yet, the devil sees them as righteous. He has no record of wrong against them.

Listen beloved, those past records do not count anymore. You are a new creature. Hallelujah!

By: Ebenezer Odufuwa

Bible in a Year: Ezra 7-9.

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Published by: Rex & Regina en Kristo

Rex & Regina en Kristo is a God-given vision to the Church specifically the youth and the youthful minds and also a reach-out to the world. The aim is to raise giants with God to rule in all facet of life and to reign over weaknesses, sin, self and the worldly systems [Rom. 5:17]. Furthermore, we want to promote the knowledge of God in this world that is full of -isms and -logies that are defiant to the knowledge of God and His plan for us all [2Cor. 2:14]. You are welcome, enjoy your visit.

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