Prioritize God’s Word.

Golden Text:‭‭ Isaiah 66:2

These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.”

As we read in the Bible, only those who tremble at God’s word will truly understand that everything visible and invisible was created by God’s word. When humanity was recreated, God’s word was instrumental in that process.

Therefore, as new creations, we must prioritize the word of God, living by the words that proceed from God’s mouth. Just as oxygen and food are essential for our physical bodies, the word of God is vital for our spiritual growth.

We must give attention to hearing the word, for it is through the ministry of God’s word that we will profit and be transformed. The word of God will change us, deliver our inheritance, and shape us for the destiny God has for us.

Just as the disciples learned from Jesus, who is the Word of God, and were sent forth after being equipped, so also would we be empowered by the word of God to fulfill our purpose.”

Prioritize God’s word from today and everything will fall in places for you!

By: Abiodun Lawrence.

Bible in a Year: 2nd Chronicles 29-32.

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Published by: Rex & Regina en Kristo

Rex & Regina en Kristo is a God-given vision to the Church specifically the youth and the youthful minds and also a reach-out to the world. The aim is to raise giants with God to rule in all facet of life and to reign over weaknesses, sin, self and the worldly systems [Rom. 5:17]. Furthermore, we want to promote the knowledge of God in this world that is full of -isms and -logies that are defiant to the knowledge of God and His plan for us all [2Cor. 2:14]. You are welcome, enjoy your visit.

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