New Creature Indeed (7).

Golden Text: Genesis 22: 10 – 12

And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.

The goal of this series is to use old testament accounts as allegories to help us understand the reality of the new creature. Indeed, the old man died- ceased to exist. And indeed a new man began- the new creature. Thus far, we have looked at examples of the Isrealites crossing the red sea and that of Jacob moving from Laban to his father’s country.

Today, we shall be looking at the third example, which is in relation to Isaac. God had told Abraham to offer up Isaac. Abraham believed what God said, and acted on it.

Alas, while Abraham was about to slaughter Isaac, God stopped him and made a substitute. As far as God is concerned Isaac died that day. A new man began to live from that day forward. That’s Abrahan’s only son (son of adoption- heir to the throne) died. Consequently, a new race began. All these happened because Abraham knew God is able to resurrect Isaac- and indeed Isaac resurrected.

From that day forward, even though people were still calling him Isaac, he is no more Isaac. He is a new creature.

Similarly, God gave his only son and he died. Then he resurrected and began a new race, called the new creature.

Now, you may not notice any physical change the moment you confess Jesus as Lord of your life. You may not be given a new name at baptism or wherever. But one thing is sure, you are a new man.

The old man died. This new man now has the life of Christ in him. He is dead yet living. Not by his power but by the power of God, that’s the faith of Jesus Christ. Christ is living in you. The body has not changed, but Christ has taken abode in you. You are a new creature. Hallelujah!

By: Ebenezer Odufuwa.

Bible in a Year: Esther 1-4.

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Published by: Rex & Regina en Kristo

Rex & Regina en Kristo is a God-given vision to the Church specifically the youth and the youthful minds and also a reach-out to the world. The aim is to raise giants with God to rule in all facet of life and to reign over weaknesses, sin, self and the worldly systems [Rom. 5:17]. Furthermore, we want to promote the knowledge of God in this world that is full of -isms and -logies that are defiant to the knowledge of God and His plan for us all [2Cor. 2:14]. You are welcome, enjoy your visit.

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