New Creature Indeed (6).

Golden Text: Genesis 32: 6 – 7

And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to thy brother Esau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed: and he divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, into two bands;

Yesterday, we saw that Jacob believed God’s words to him. Hence, he left Laban’s house and departed to his father’s house. Then, when he saw Esau coming, he decided to stay alone, during which he had his encounter.

Now, suppose Jacob had not stayed alone, would Esau have defeated him? No! Because he left Laban’s house, acting on God’s words. And a man with God’s words can not be defeated.

In essence, I am saying that the very first belief that made him leave Laban’s house is what saved him and made him a new creature. It’s instantly. Not that you believe until you are saved and made a new creature. You believed once, and you were made new creature instantly.

So, what’s the relevance of his being alone with God? There are two ways we can look into this allegory.

First, it’s in relation to water baptism. Water baptism in itself doesn’t and can not save anyone. Only someone who is already saved is supposed to do water baptism. Interestingly, some churches still give new names when one does water baptism.

Second, it is supposed to be a normal Christian lifestyle of prayer. This ought to be constant and continuous practice of the new creature. Prayer in itself doesn’t save you, but it helps you in walking in the consciousness of your identity. It also helps you in aligning yourself with God’s mind concerning you.

But like many people, they don’t pray until they are confronted with a challenge. In fact, some people don’t even see reasons for calling on Jesus for salvation, so they become new creature, until they have challenge.

Listen, beloved, you don’t have to do like Jacob. You don’t have to wait till you see Esau before you start doing what you ought to be doing. Salvation is for all humanity. Being born again isn’t only for those who have one challenge or the other.

Today, I am inviting you to call upon Jesus for salvation. Today is the day of salvation. Say this with me believing in your heart “Jesus, I confess you as Lord. I believe in my heart that you are the son of God, who died for me and resurrected on the third day. Come into my heart and give me a new beginning Amen.

By: Ebenezer Odufuwa .

Bible in a Year: Nehemiah 10-14.

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Published by: Rex & Regina en Kristo

Rex & Regina en Kristo is a God-given vision to the Church specifically the youth and the youthful minds and also a reach-out to the world. The aim is to raise giants with God to rule in all facet of life and to reign over weaknesses, sin, self and the worldly systems [Rom. 5:17]. Furthermore, we want to promote the knowledge of God in this world that is full of -isms and -logies that are defiant to the knowledge of God and His plan for us all [2Cor. 2:14]. You are welcome, enjoy your visit.

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